Are YOU Teachable?

It’s really interesting how much I hear people talking about working online but don’t know where to start, don’t know how to start, don’t know how to adapt to a schedule, don’t know where and what to do – so I have a little challenge for you to see if you are teachable.

Now I know you all are thinking that I have really gone Zaney and maybe I have but I got to thinking how it was for me when I first started online and there is so much going on and you want to be in so many things and scared you are going to miss out on something is you don’t join everything that everyone is talking about.  It’s hard to stay focused, it’s hard to make a plan and stick with it, it’s hard to get a routine going – well this helped me and still does.

So I would like you to backup and try this little exercise for me – this will show you many things – like if you are teachable, can you stick to a routine, are you serious about working online, and do I have what it takes to stay focused – because without these qualities – you might as well go back to Facebook and play Farmville and know that you are online only as a hobby and the fun of it.

BUT if you can do this exercise for 30 days, every day and not make any excuses why you can’t, set yourself up a routine (could be do these before I open Skype, do these before I read my emails etc) you get the idea – you need to set it up to do it the same time everyday.  After the 30 days you will have a better idea what working online is really like and if you also make it thru you are teachable and ready to add to your routine that you have already set up here.

Another reason I want you to try this exercise is that it will give you an idea how slow the money comes in, it will teach you patience, and it will also show you that IF and that is a BIG IF you stay focused you can earn online – this is how I got started as I didn’t have any money in the budget for tools that I needed and this seemed to be good place to start.

Ok here it is – I have 5 PTC sites that I use to earn extra money online and the main reason that I still do them today is that keep me focused, they keep me in a routine, and they have taught me that it does pay to do this.  So I would love you to join in this exercise for 30 days – join these 5 sites and test yourself and find our if you are teachable.

There you go this is sites that I use every day, sites that I have been paid from and sites that helps me stay focused – and note I keep repeating that – not that there are more sites out there that you can join – the lesson here is to stay focused – so we are using the KISS (keep it simple sweetie) method here.  5 PTC sites, join and click daily for 30 days and I will love to hear your results from this exercise.

Yesterday I was telling a friend of mine that you have to take action, repeat that action over and over again when you find something that is working and just keep doing it over and over and one of these days you wake up and realize that it’s working – you will see referrals coming in, you will see people coming to you with questions, you will see the money coming in and best of all you will get those emails that say – wow I learned something from you today or that Skype comment saying that they enjoy your emails or comment on your blog that says they tried what you said and it worked – that is “why” we do what we do.

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something you only do it when it’s convenient, when you’re committed you take no excuses only results.” Author Unknown

“You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great.” – Les Brown

Success lies not in being the best, but in doing your best. ~ Author Unknown

29 thoughts on “Are YOU Teachable?

  1. Nancy- this was a great idea. I actually think this could teach focus and discipline. It is so easy to get side-tracked it seems it is hard to get someone committed to a program for a complete 30 days.

    Love the quotes at the end!

  2. This can be applied to almost anything that someone is doing online to make any progress.
    While I won’t be using the sites that you provided, as I have plenty of others that I have joined recently, the technique you have outlined will form the basis for my focus for the next 30 days.
    I hope to get back to report on the progress.

    • You are so right, Nev, I was thinking just that then I read your comment.
      We don’t need to do what Nancy suggests specifically, there are tons of ways we can apply the 30-day drill. I need to define what mine will be. 🙂


      • And this is so true – it’s just a matter of having a starting point, get yourself in that DAILY routine and keep doing it no matter what – no excuses why you can’t and you will get results

  3. Nancy this is a great idea and really like reading this post. Your full of wonderful ideas and tips. This makes allot of sense for it will not only help with online but off line in your own life as well.

  4. great idea nancy it is so hard to stay focused. what was that? ooh a squirrel! its kinda like that lol i always try to have my daily routine but unfortunately life tends to like throwing wrenches into our gears so we are always trying to get back on track lol.

    • Yea I know and why I thought the timing of this post was good with the weather getting nice – it’s really hard to stay focused – as we all want to be outside – will be interesting to hear some of the results.

  5. Hi Nancy,

    I love this post because it really hits home for me because this subject of being consistent and doing a daily routine has been almost an obsession with me lately. I’ve known for two years now that it would become more challenging for me with each new day because of my offline responsibilities. I had to make the decision if I was going to literally quit online because I cannot control my mom’s declining health or her lack of consistency which in this case has everything to do with my own consistency online….. or does it?

    But I realized that I am determined enough to figure out a way to cover my online schedule hours in a way that if my mom needs assistance there is someone else here to deal with it. And that’s what I have done. My son has agreed to turn the time I’m online into special quality time to spend with his grandma. He knows and understands how important this time for online work is to me and has been a big help.

    I still have other challenges to address and I am…. I’m not as consistent as I want and need to be yet but I am on my way to reaching that goal. And I am going to do my best and accept your challenge! Thank you for this post as it has touched me in a very personal way.

    • Oh that is great Carol and I know it’s been hard for you taking care of your mom – I’m amazed at what you do get done. Glad to hear that your son is going to hlep you out and that will be a big help for you.

  6. yeah, that focus thingy, most people just don’t get it, you have to do the work, every once in a while i get a team member who says, he/she wants it, wants to work, wants to be focused, wants to reach a goal, and less than 60 days later, they quit. I guess you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink. Awesome article Nancy!

    • Thanks Xarah and I see that so much also – if a person can do this 30 day challenge and see some results – it will make it easier I thought – is why I decided to use the PTC as a start point.

  7. Great post, Nancy.
    In my routine I put the jobs I find tedious in amongst those I enjoy (surfing TEs). It probably means they all take a bit longer but it is surprising how the tasks get ticked off that daily list and the earnings mount up. Also, I group them in the same order so I know which is next so on a busy day can still zoom through them or know how far I reached if get interrupted. It is great to see the referral notifications rolling in with regular advertising.

    • Thanks Diane and it’s interesting that you mention that as I love the story about eating your frog – that is so true. I also remember in a time management class that I took once – they were telling how many hours a person waste sorting their to do list and I was just shocked – so now I try and take the approach – do it now and get it done.

  8. WoW Nancy,
    What a lesson girl! That’s brilliant! How to 101 simple formula good going. You know funny as I read your post in the beginning of it. Oh my goodness did THAT bring back memories. I almost felt the fear, excitement and confusion from back in the day!

    Most people in marketing have forgotten that feeling and I think all of us could be better sponsors, teachers and marketers if we would just remember that feeling.

    I remember it was like being in a very crowded room and someone yelling fire!

    Thank you so much for the reminder,

    • Thanks Susan and yes you are right – I remember all those feelings and even still have them once in awhile – 2nd guessing myself and the one I work on the most is finding the positive out of things – sometimes that is a challenge.

  9. What a wonderful idea Nancy. On my site where I teach newbies “How to get started in Internet Marketing” I have definitely omitted this very important step. What good are all the tools and How-To’s if you don’t have a plan of action to get you going.

    So I’m going to take up your 30 day challenge myself, though I’ve always steered clear of PTC’s, I trust you. If this is as positive of an experience as I’m sure it will be, I will be recommending this wonderful idea to all of my students.

    Thank you,
    Jonathon BigJohnG Gaug

    • Thanks and think you will be surprised after the 30 days what you will have learned, how easy it was to get into that routine and it’s not as hard as a person thinks to get started – just need a little nudge once in awhile.

  10. Pingback: OK, Today is the day I start my 30 Day Challenge... but for What?? | Personally Helping You Succeed by Patti

  11. Hello Nancy,

    Your blog post was inspiration for a new blog post I just wrote. There is lot of food for thought in the “what you do for the next 30 days” topic.

    Thanks for being simply you, Nancy. 🙂


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